
Hello and welcome to my blog! I’m Regan- an avid coffee drinker and fiction reader!

I’m a wife to my best friend and biggest supporter, a mama to our sweet Shiloh, and a beloved daughter of Christ. My husband and I recently assumed the role of Music Ministry Directors at our home church, where we have been enjoying the way leadership is sharpening us as well as our incredible team! We hail from sunny Florida, but dream of someday relocating our little family to an adventurous mountain town.

I have always enjoyed writing, but the thought of blogging has seemed intimidating, to say the least. What would I say? Where would I find the time? Will anyone even read it? I am sure most of the world would agree that this year has been a trial, so in true 2020 fashion, I decided to say, “Why not!?” and work on bringing to life a long-held dream.

If you find yourself curious, you can find my vision for this blog and the meaning behind its name here!